Friday 22 February 2013

ANIMATION SESSION 3: Cutout Animation / Limerick Exercise PART 1

Long Road student music video (2008)

Limerick Cutout Animation Exercise

In your groups animate your chosen limerick using drawn cutouts on an A3 drawn / painted background.

Plan the project using the planning grid.

GROUP 1 - Abi, Ellen, Hazal & Jack
GROUP 2 - Sam H, Sam Mc & Will Ho
GROUP 3 - Annabel & Faye
GROUP 4 - Dave, Isaac, Jackson, Jay & Tom
GROUP 5 - Aaron, Robert, Will C & Pheonix
GROUP 6 - Will L


1 comment:

  1. These videos you have uploaded in this article is pretty impressive and I really enjoy the work you have shared in this article. Thanks for sharing this post. cutout animation videos - VideoJeeves
